Raakhee Stratton is a busy mom who provides practical and sustainable eco-tips for other busy moms through her blog. Discover meal planning, composting, digital detox, and other eco-friendly practices to teach your children and protect the environment for future generations. Follow Raakhee on Instagram for more tips and ideas.
Discover practical tips for keeping rats and mice out of your compost bin with our friendly, informative guide. Learn about secure bins, composting materials, and natural deterrents for a rodent-free composting experience.
Start composting with confidence using our beginner's guide to composting. Learn how to set up your compost bin, what to add, how to layer it, and maintain it.
Composting is an eco-friendly way to recycle organic waste and reduce your environmental impact. But with so many types of composting bins available, which one is right for you? Read on to find out!
Learn about the many benefits of composting, including improved soil health, reduced landfill waste, and money savings. Discover how easy it is to get started and make a positive impact on the planet.
The future of cleaning is here, and it's plastic-free! Traditional cleaning products and tools can harm the environment and our health. That's why Composty offers a range of compostable cleaning products, including Compostable 'Pop-Up' sponges, Loofah scourer sponges, and Swedish Dishcloths. Clean your home sustainably and protect the planet with Composty today!
Did you know that your trusty sponge in the kitchen or bathroom could be causing harm to the environment? According to our recent survey, 35% of participants did not realise that traditional sponges and some popular big brands are made of plastic, which has significant negative impacts on our planet.
Bokashi composting is an easy, affordable and effective way to turn your food scraps into nutrient-rich compost that your plants will love. The best part? You can do it all from the comfort of your own home, even if you live in a tiny apartment.
Hot composting is a fast and efficient way to create high-quality compost for your garden. Learn about the benefits, considerations, and how to use Composty sponges to help retain moisture and improve airflow. Reduce landfill waste and create a valuable resource for your garden with hot composting!